SendXMLElement and Web Service and SelectSingleNode



Even though:
"You are completely right. We finally have in SP1 the oportunity to choose
options for the submit method , which allow to submit any kind of data to web
services without scripting."

I am following KB 826989 and everything works as outlined.

I am trying to execute the SelectSingleNode method on the
System.XML.XMLElement object (theElement) and get a message that states:
"Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed"

I am having trouble declaring the XmlNamespaceManager since there is not a
NameTable property for the XMLElement object.

Does anybody know what I need to do to contruct a namespace for this object?



Nevermind ... I figured it out (if anybody has a better way please let me know)

Dim nav As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator =
Dim ns As System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager = New
ns.AddNamespace("ns1", theElement.NamespaceURI)
Dim oFormData As XmlNode =
theElement.SelectSingleNode("ns1:FormData", ns)

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