sent or read..unread



How do I sent it up so that it does not set up tiers in my inbox when
I read an email.
For example, I receive two emails, I read them and leave them in my in
box to respond later- they get moved to another tier in the in box
that reads "read"...all those that I have not read yet are in another
tier that reads "unread". All I want to see is all of my emails read
or unread in uniform...the difference being the "read ones" are no
longer bold. Is there a way to do what I want? I can't figure it out
if there is.


Ed Kimball

How do I sent it up so that it does not set up tiers in my inbox when
I read an email.
For example, I receive two emails, I read them and leave them in my in
box to respond later- they get moved to another tier in the in box
that reads "read"...all those that I have not read yet are in another
tier that reads "unread". All I want to see is all of my emails read
or unread in uniform...the difference being the "read ones" are no
longer bold. Is there a way to do what I want? I can't figure it out
if there is.


You could flag messages that need a later response. You can then choose
Flagged Only in the View list to look only at those messages you flagged for
later action.

Diane Ross

For example, I receive two emails, I read them and leave them in my in
box to respond later- they get moved to another tier in the in box
that reads "read"...all those that I have not read yet are in another
tier that reads "unread". All I want to see is all of my emails read
or unread in uniform...the difference being the "read ones" are no
longer bold. Is there a way to do what I want? I can't figure it out
if there is.

Screenshots really help, I'll give you some basics but what you are
describing is not a usual post.

See this page for types of views in Entourage.


Under View in the Menu bar you can select view all or unread only. You can
further organize by the Arrange by function.

For my Inbox, I have it set to show all, and I arrange by Sent so the newest
are on top. Other folders use different arrangements depending on the type
of messages. My junk folder is organized by accounts so I can see what
account is getting the most spam. For mailing lists and this newsgroup, I
use a custom arrangement:

Group items by: Subject
Sort groups by: Sent Newest on top
Sort items within groups by: Conversation A on top
Default display for groups: Expanded

You can post a screenshot link using a service like ImageShack. ImageShack
is an easy-to-use free media hosting service. It can be used to upload
images. Registration is not required in order to upload files.

ImageShack® - Image Hosting <>

How To Post Screen Shots To Newsgroups

1. On your keyboard, press Command-Shift-4.
2. On your keyboard, press the space bar.
3. Click the window you want. A picture file will appear on the desktop.
4. Go to
5. Click Browse, then navigate to and select the picture file.
6. Click "host it!".
7. Paste the "Show image to friends" URL in a newsgroup message.

William Smith [MVP]

kroe said:
How do I sent it up so that it does not set up tiers in my inbox when
I read an email.
For example, I receive two emails, I read them and leave them in my in
box to respond later- they get moved to another tier in the in box
that reads "read"...all those that I have not read yet are in another
tier that reads "unread". All I want to see is all of my emails read
or unread in uniform...the difference being the "read ones" are no
longer bold. Is there a way to do what I want? I can't figure it out
if there is.

You've selected View --> Arrange By --> Message Status.

Select another view such as Received, which will sort messages by date
instead of their read status.

Hope this helps!



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