Sent to Onenote


Ajay Malkani

I save a lot of email I receive in outlook by sending them with a single
click to OneNote. Very convenient.

However, when I reopen outlook after some time, there is still a long number
of email lying fr a variety of reasons like follow up etc. The question is,
how do I know which ones Ive already sent to onenote and are therefore safe
to delete from outlook?

Is there any way of tagging a mail as having been sent to onenote?


Kathy Jacobs

There are two methods I know of for getting around this problem.
First: Create a older called "FiledInOneNote" folder. File the emails there,
then send to OneNote. Then, when done processing all the emails, delete the
contents of the folder.
Second: Set up a category for "Sent to OneNote". Give it a unique color and
a shortcut key. Now, when you do the send to OneNote, you can also change
the category with a second keystroke. When you are ready to clear out your
filed items, just search for everything in the "Sent to OneNote" category
and delete the whole set.

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Ajay Malkani

Thanks Much.

More manual a solution than I was hoping for but Ill go with the category
solution for now.


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