Separate Combo Box items on Report



I am using Access 2007.

My fleet maintenance database has a combo box in tblMaintenance that is
sourced by tblCategory. There are 3 categories in this combo box;
Preventive, Repair, Tires.

I need to show the sum of the invoice amounts for each category ACROSS the
report. ex.

Unit# Date of Service Preventive Repair Tires

I can get it to separate them going down. ex.

Unit3 Date of Service Preventive

How can I make it go across the report? This is probably something really
simple and I am just missing it.


Clifford Bass

Hi Cindy,

Assuming your are not trying to do a summary, but rather something like

Unit# Date of Service Preventive Repair Tires
123 1/1/2001 X
234 2/2/2002 X
123 3/3/2003 X

You could make three text boxes. Their control sources would look like

IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Preventive", X, null)
IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Repair", X, null)
IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Tires", X, null)

If the maintanence is using a code subsititute the code as appropriate.
If that is not what you are wanting, please post more information.

Clifford Bass



Actually I am doing a summary. It is the sum of all the invoices for each
category for that specific unit. I hadn't thought about using an IIf
statement though. I'm going to try it.


Clifford Bass said:
Hi Cindy,

Assuming your are not trying to do a summary, but rather something like

Unit# Date of Service Preventive Repair Tires
123 1/1/2001 X
234 2/2/2002 X
123 3/3/2003 X

You could make three text boxes. Their control sources would look like

IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Preventive", X, null)
IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Repair", X, null)
IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Tires", X, null)

If the maintanence is using a code subsititute the code as appropriate.
If that is not what you are wanting, please post more information.

Clifford Bass

Vamptoo said:
I am using Access 2007.

My fleet maintenance database has a combo box in tblMaintenance that is
sourced by tblCategory. There are 3 categories in this combo box;
Preventive, Repair, Tires.

I need to show the sum of the invoice amounts for each category ACROSS the
report. ex.

Unit# Date of Service Preventive Repair Tires

I can get it to separate them going down. ex.

Unit3 Date of Service Preventive

How can I make it go across the report? This is probably something really
simple and I am just missing it.


Clifford Bass

Hi Cindy,

In which case you would do something like:

Sum(IIf([Maintanence_Performed] = "Preventive", 1, 0))

Clifford Bass

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