Separate cover page question???


Michael Seldin

Is it possible to have a report cover page using a separate template
from the slides used in the body of a Powerpoint report? I have a
cover page template created and body slide templates but have not been
able to find a way to incorporate both into one Powerpoint

Mickey Stevens

Yes, and it is quite easy. Go to the Slide Master (View -> Master -> Slide
Master), go to Format -> Slide Design (or Format -> Apply Design Template),
and choose the template you'd like to use for the body slides.

Now, go back to Slide View (View -> Slide) and create your new "cover page".
When you have it open, go to Format -> Slide Design (or Format -> Apply
Design Template), choose your template for the cover slide, select "Apply to
selected slides", and click OK. Repeat for all slides using the "cover
page" layout.

This should get you through this situation, however, did you know it's
possible to include a separate design for title and body slides in the same
template? Well, it is! When creating future templates, go to View ->
Master as you normally would, and then create the template as you want it
for body slides. Then go to Insert -> New Title Master, and create the
master for your title slide(s), which can look completely different. Switch
between the Title Master and Slide Master using View -> Master. When you're
done, save it as a template. When you apply this template to future
presentations, slides with the Title AutoLayout will automatically inherit
the design of the Title Master in your template, and the rest of the slides
will inherit the design of the Slide Master (which, of course, you can
change on a slide-by-slide basis).

There's a little bit more detail at this Microsoft link:

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