Separate Page TItle from Nav Bar Name


Tech Rookie

I want my Page Title (that shows up as the page name in Yahoo search and
comes up in Favorites when saving) to be different than the Nav Bar title.
For instance, my top bar in the nav is 'HOME', but I want people searching
the web to see (and save) a name descriptive of my business, not 'HOME'....

When I change text in Nav Bar it changes it in Page Title and vice versa.
How do I solve this?

Tech Rookie

That's what I'm doing.. but the name I want on the nav bar is not the name I
want the page title on the web to be. For instance, if I say I want the page
title of my homepage to be <mybusiness is so great> and that's what I want my
customers to see as the page title in a web search results, it changes the
text in my nav bar button to <mybusiness is so great> also. But I want my
nav bar to say HOME. If I unclick 'add link to web navigation bar', it
removes my page from the nav bar totally. If I try to manually change the
text on my nav bar back to HOME, then I go into web page options and it has
changed my page title back to HOME. Is there a way to have a Nav Bar with
different page titles than what my customers see on the search results as the
page title?


What version of Publisher are you using?


Tech Rookie said:
That's what I'm doing.. but the name I want on the nav bar is not the name
want the page title on the web to be. For instance, if I say I want the
title of my homepage to be <mybusiness is so great> and that's what I want
customers to see as the page title in a web search results, it changes the
text in my nav bar button to <mybusiness is so great> also. But I want my
nav bar to say HOME. If I unclick 'add link to web navigation bar', it
removes my page from the nav bar totally. If I try to manually change the
text on my nav bar back to HOME, then I go into web page options and it
changed my page title back to HOME. Is there a way to have a Nav Bar with
different page titles than what my customers see on the search results as
page title?


After you change the page title to "my business is great" under Under tools
web page options, and change the title to "My business is great" , if the
navbar text changes from Home, then:

1.Select the navigation bar that contains the link text you want to change.
2. On the Format menu, click Navigation Bar Properties, and then click the
General tab.
3. Under Links, click the link that you want to change, and then click
Modify Link.
4. In the Modify Link dialog box, in the Text to display box, type the the
text that you want to display on the navigation bar button (Home), and then
click OK.
5. In the Navigation Bar Properties dialog box, click OK.

This should give you the results you are seeking.


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