Each resource is either of "work" or of "material" type and as such, they
have have a price per hour or per piece/use. So far, so good.
For my project (for reasons of billing), I have to list the costs for
personnel and for material resources separately, for tasks as well as for the
whole project. So, are there columns like this (two columns, that add up to
the "total cost"-column), and if there are not - where/how could I create an
individual column, or where would I find information about this?
I appreciate your held and thank you in advance.
have have a price per hour or per piece/use. So far, so good.
For my project (for reasons of billing), I have to list the costs for
personnel and for material resources separately, for tasks as well as for the
whole project. So, are there columns like this (two columns, that add up to
the "total cost"-column), and if there are not - where/how could I create an
individual column, or where would I find information about this?
I appreciate your held and thank you in advance.