Separating a string



I am using Word 97 and I want to be able to pickup a
person surname from their full name which has previously
been stored with a string entitled sName.

Can someone assist me please



Jay Freedman

Mark said:
I am using Word 97 and I want to be able to pickup a
person surname from their full name which has previously
been stored with a string entitled sName.

Hi, Mark,

You'll need to supply some more details:

- In sName, is the surname stored at the beginning or at the end?
- Is there some unique character such as a comma between the parts of
the name, or are they separated with ordinary spaces?
- How can you tell whether the surname has one, two, three or more
words (John Smith, John von Schmidt, John van der Linden)?


The surname is at the end of the name, the names are
generally separated with spaces. I don't think there are
many names tht are double barrelled, there may be one or
two surnames which are hyphenated.


Helmut Weber

Hi Mark,
this might may help you,
but without rules on what is in "aName",
there can be no perfect solution.
Dim aName As String
Dim bName As String
aName = "Smith, John-John"
bName = Right(aName, Len(aName) - InStr(aName, " "))
MsgBox "[" & bName & "]"
Brackets for testing in oder to detect
leading or trailing blanks.

Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber
"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""

Martin Seelhofer

MsgBox "[" & bName & "]"
Brackets for testing in oder to detect
leading or trailing blanks.

You can always use the Trim-function to get rid of leading
or trailing blanks:

LTrim(...) removes leading blanks (*left* trim)
RTrim(...) removes trailing blanks (*right* trim)
Trim(...) removes both



Helmut Weber

Hi Martin,
thank you for the advice, but I would like to see
in the messagebox whether the preceeding
routine did, what I was expecting. Simply trimming
blanks doesn't tell me, whether there was something
to trim at all.
Greetings from bavaria.
Helmut Weber

Martin Seelhofer

Hi Helmut
[...] Simply trimming blanks doesn't tell me, whether there
was something to trim at all.

So, why don't you just compare the "untrimmed" string length
to the trimmed one?

bName = Right(aName, Len(aName) - InStr(aName, " "))
uLen = Len(bName)
bName = Trim(bName)
tLen = Len(bName)
If uLen > tLen Then

Could also do that with LTrim or RTrim to get the number of leading/
trailing blanks...

Just an idea ;-) Cheers,


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