Need to setup Outlook to do following:
--if an e-mail comes in with the subject header having, say a project number
1357YY , outlook sends it right away to folder named 1357YY IN
--If a general message comes in, it sends it to a folder named GENERAL IN
--Similarly for sent messages 1357YY SENT and GENERAL SENT
--If a message comes in with 1357YY somewhere in the text, not necessarily
in the subject, would outlook still send it to 1357YY IN
one more can the program use colors e.g. we make a rule that message with
1357YY gets a red color and goes into folder called RED IN, with project
97633 into green, ---?
Thank you
--if an e-mail comes in with the subject header having, say a project number
1357YY , outlook sends it right away to folder named 1357YY IN
--If a general message comes in, it sends it to a folder named GENERAL IN
--Similarly for sent messages 1357YY SENT and GENERAL SENT
--If a message comes in with 1357YY somewhere in the text, not necessarily
in the subject, would outlook still send it to 1357YY IN
one more can the program use colors e.g. we make a rule that message with
1357YY gets a red color and goes into folder called RED IN, with project
97633 into green, ---?
Thank you