Separating Windows Media DRM from Windows Media Player


Anunay Gupta

Can my own player play Windows Media DRM protected files?
All the documentation refers to the point that the WMP can only play WMDRM
protected files?

Also, can we protect other files also, eg. executables or is WMDRM only for
media files?

Please clarify.


I have to say that YES your Windows Media player will play DRM protected
files. Most likely at a lower resolution like 480p unless you have the
correct hardware (HDCP) and the correct licence. When I say DRM protected I
think of premium content such as HD-DVD and Blueray. However EVERYTHING that
is media could be protected. From what I understand Premium content is DRM
protected and anything over 800 x600 or 128kbps audio can be premium content
as well. In otherwords it is time to upgrade to LINUX! Tell me if I am wrong

Ed Bennett

Misjudgedinall said:
I have to say that YES your Windows Media player will play DRM protected
files. Most likely at a lower resolution like 480p unless you have the
correct hardware (HDCP) and the correct licence. When I say DRM protected I
think of premium content such as HD-DVD and Blueray. However EVERYTHING that
is media could be protected. From what I understand Premium content is DRM
protected and anything over 800 x600 or 128kbps audio can be premium content
as well. In otherwords it is time to upgrade to LINUX! Tell me if I am wrong
on this.

The same protected content will be just as unviewable in Linux as it
will be in Windows.

But this is not the correct forum for discussing such matters. This
newsgroup is for discussion of programming in Microsoft Publisher,
through the VBA IDE or the COM interface.

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