Sequential numbering formula



I have a list of Session names in column A (could be just 1 or more the
25). I would like a formula that looks a column A and if A1 is the sam
as A2 then put the number 1 in column B. This numbering would continu
until the name in column A does not match the name below, when thi
occurs the numbering would start over at 1.

This formula would create ‘Position number in Session’ listing in colum

Claus Busch

Hi Joe,

Am Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:34:30 +0100 schrieb Joe PSAV:
I have a list of Session names in column A (could be just 1 or more then
25). I would like a formula that looks a column A and if A1 is the same
as A2 then put the number 1 in column B. This numbering would continue
until the name in column A does not match the name below, when this
occurs the numbering would start over at 1.

in B1 try:

Claus B.


Claus said:
Hi Joe,

Am Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:34:30 +0100 schrieb Joe PSAV:

in B1 try:

Claus B.

That is exactly what I was looking for, Thank

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