I'm having a problem with some Sequential Numbering code I foun
searching this site, can anyone please help me resolve this?
Here is some background:
I have a resulting cell, E6, which should have a value of YYDDD-nnnnn.
YYDDD is the julian date which I have formulated in a hidden cell B2.
nnnnn is a sequential number which I am retrieving from a .txt file an
storing in a hidden cell C2.
I then concatenate B2&"-"&C2, and display in cell E6.
E6 is a locked cell and my sheet is protected.
I'm using borrowed code from McGimpsey and Associates web sit
regarding Excel Sequential Numbers to handle the sequential number par
in cell C2.
My problem is...this does NOT work automatically when a new spreadshee
is created from my template. I have to go to debug and run the macr
manually. I need to fetch the next sequential number automatically whe
a new sheet is created, can anyone please help me with this?
The code follows:
Public Function NextSeqNumber(Optional sFileName As String, Optiona
nSeqNumber As Long = -1) As Long
Const sDEFAULT_PATH As String = "Network Drive Path Goes Here"
Const sDEFAULT_FNAME As String = "projectid.txt"
Dim nFileNumber As Long
nFileNumber = FreeFile
If sFileName = "" Then sFileName = sDEFAULT_FNAME
If InStr(sFileName, Application.PathSeparator) = 0 Then _
sFileName = sDEFAULT_PATH & Application.PathSeparator & sFileName
If nSeqNumber = -1& Then
If Dir(sFileName) <> "" Then
Open sFileName For Input As nFileNumber
Input #nFileNumber, nSeqNumber
nSeqNumber = nSeqNumber + 1&
Close nFileNumber
nSeqNumber = 1&
End If
End If
On Error GoTo PathError
Open sFileName For Output As nFileNumber
On Error GoTo 0
Print #nFileNumber, nSeqNumber
Close nFileNumber
NextSeqNumber = nSeqNumber
Exit Function
NextSeqNumber = -1&
End Function
Public Sub Workbook_Open()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("c2").Value = NextSeqNumber
End Su
searching this site, can anyone please help me resolve this?
Here is some background:
I have a resulting cell, E6, which should have a value of YYDDD-nnnnn.
YYDDD is the julian date which I have formulated in a hidden cell B2.
nnnnn is a sequential number which I am retrieving from a .txt file an
storing in a hidden cell C2.
I then concatenate B2&"-"&C2, and display in cell E6.
E6 is a locked cell and my sheet is protected.
I'm using borrowed code from McGimpsey and Associates web sit
regarding Excel Sequential Numbers to handle the sequential number par
in cell C2.
My problem is...this does NOT work automatically when a new spreadshee
is created from my template. I have to go to debug and run the macr
manually. I need to fetch the next sequential number automatically whe
a new sheet is created, can anyone please help me with this?
The code follows:
Public Function NextSeqNumber(Optional sFileName As String, Optiona
nSeqNumber As Long = -1) As Long
Const sDEFAULT_PATH As String = "Network Drive Path Goes Here"
Const sDEFAULT_FNAME As String = "projectid.txt"
Dim nFileNumber As Long
nFileNumber = FreeFile
If sFileName = "" Then sFileName = sDEFAULT_FNAME
If InStr(sFileName, Application.PathSeparator) = 0 Then _
sFileName = sDEFAULT_PATH & Application.PathSeparator & sFileName
If nSeqNumber = -1& Then
If Dir(sFileName) <> "" Then
Open sFileName For Input As nFileNumber
Input #nFileNumber, nSeqNumber
nSeqNumber = nSeqNumber + 1&
Close nFileNumber
nSeqNumber = 1&
End If
End If
On Error GoTo PathError
Open sFileName For Output As nFileNumber
On Error GoTo 0
Print #nFileNumber, nSeqNumber
Close nFileNumber
NextSeqNumber = nSeqNumber
Exit Function
NextSeqNumber = -1&
End Function
Public Sub Workbook_Open()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("c2").Value = NextSeqNumber
End Su