Sequential numbering in Access 2007



I am having a problem doing something in Access 2007 that I was always able
to do in Access 2003. Let me give you an example. A simple table with three
columns, one is the autonumbered column for each record, the second is a
product name and the third we will call serial number. Let's say I have 100
records in that table. Nothing is recorded in the serial number field. Then I
go to make a simple query. I select all records in that table. In the query
under the serial number coumn, I type 1 in first record, 2 in the second
record and 3 in the third record, and from that point on Access automatically
adds the
sequential number as I go down through the entire list of records. And the
number could be any number, for instance, 1238578, but as long as I start the
numbering, Access takes over and understands that I want all records numbered

Now in 2007 it does not do that. Am I missing something? Thanks.


Thanks for the explanation. I can see where it would be bothersome, but it
could have been something you could turn on or off. Oh well, I guess they
call it progress.

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