Here is a description of my problem...
call mysub (5, 10)
sub mysub (valA, valB)
response.write valB
valA = valA - 1
response.write valB
end sub
this should print out 10 followed by 10.
it doesn't.
it prints 10 followed by 9.
it is taking the 1 off the wrong variable! HOW!
it is not a typo, I've got everyone in the office to check out my code, it
is a real genuine unbelievable bug.
is it known? is it fixable?
call mysub (5, 10)
sub mysub (valA, valB)
response.write valB
valA = valA - 1
response.write valB
end sub
this should print out 10 followed by 10.
it doesn't.
it prints 10 followed by 9.
it is taking the 1 off the wrong variable! HOW!
it is not a typo, I've got everyone in the office to check out my code, it
is a real genuine unbelievable bug.
is it known? is it fixable?