Serious Help Required...Search/Filter Form.

  • Thread starter Sñr. Alfonzo Edgardo
  • Start date

Sñr. Alfonzo Edgardo

Hello Sirs,

I currently have a form with numerous fields (CboName, CboRegion, CboCategory); a whole slew of Drop-down boxes. All of these fields i've placed bound on a form. I designed an additional purrty interface for all of the drop-down boxes, that would allow the user to search/filter by the different criteria in the drop-downs and a 'Name includes:' field to help search the table for any information *containing* the search criteria, but all of this should filter/search and appear on the bound form. I added a Clear All, Cancel, and, more importantly, a Search button as well. Now the problem I'm having is I really don't know how to tie these search fields into a main field that would allow the bound form to filter or just show that information searched. Plus I wanted to add an All option, which I can't even begin to ponder how this would work in the mix. Can someone lead me on the correct path and let me gander at some code, existing databases, or some way I can make various queries, of different information, to tie in and bring me this information filtered into that one bound form. I thank you just for reading this and thank your whole-heartedly for an honest reply.

With respect,
Sñr. Alfonzo Edgardo

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