Serious problem occurred after copying




My database is splitted in front and back-end
Front-end on the userspc back-end server
Till sofar it always worked fine.
Now I made some changes in my front-end base and copied the frontend to
the other user pc.
The problem is that in the reports all the labels with Format statements
appear with #name?

The format is:
=IIf([la/lo]="lo";Format([dat aanv];"yyyy-mm-dd") & " - " & Format([tijd

Please help
Thanks in advance
Ron Stolk

(DPA) DUTCH PORT AGENCY chartering and forwarding agents

Phone : + 31 (0) 251 222 555 e-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Fax: + 31 (0) 251 217 508

P.O. Box 251 1940 AG Beverwijk - The Netherlands
Zuiderkade 25A 1948 NG Beverwijk - The Netherlands

PC Datasheet

Open your form to the code behind the form. Go to Tools - References and see if
you have a missing reference.


Thanks for your reply

Sorry my Access program is in Dutch language
How do I come to the code behind the form?

In the properties of the label the sourcecode is oke
=Format([date in]);"yyyy-mm-dd")

I will try to get the english version of Access

best regards
Ron Stolk


(DPA) DUTCH PORT AGENCY chartering and forwarding agents

Phone : + 31 (0) 251 222 555 e-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Fax: + 31 (0) 251 217 508

P.O. Box 251 1940 AG Beverwijk - The Netherlands
Zuiderkade 25A 1948 NG Beverwijk - The Netherlands

PC Datasheet said:
Open your form to the code behind the form. Go to Tools - References and see if
you have a missing reference.

PC Datasheet
Your Resource For Help With Access, Excel And Word Applications
(e-mail address removed)

Ron said:

My database is splitted in front and back-end
Front-end on the userspc back-end server
Till sofar it always worked fine.
Now I made some changes in my front-end base and copied the frontend to
the other user pc.
The problem is that in the reports all the labels with Format statements
appear with #name?

The format is:
=IIf([la/lo]="lo";Format([dat aanv];"yyyy-mm-dd") & " - " & Format([tijd

Please help
Thanks in advance
Ron Stolk

(DPA) DUTCH PORT AGENCY chartering and forwarding agents

Phone : + 31 (0) 251 222 555 e-mail: (e-mail address removed)
Fax: + 31 (0) 251 217 508

P.O. Box 251 1940 AG Beverwijk - The Netherlands
Zuiderkade 25A 1948 NG Beverwijk - The Netherlands