Hello everyone,
My office users Outlook 2003 [SP1] on Win XP [SP2] platform.
Today, one of our users called me about an error message he keeps getting
when he does the following:
1) He creates a Server based Rule stating that if an email arrives from
someone out of a list of 23 users from the GAL (seperated by "or") ,
containing a certain word/s within the subject, then forward it to the same
list of 23 people (seperated by "and").
He then enables the Rule and runs a test and everything works just fine.
2) He goes on to create a second Server based Rule, that funtions pretty
similar to the first one, but the list of 23 users from the GAL are different
and the word/s from the subject field is also different.
As soon as he ties to enable the second Rule, he gets an error message
stating that "One or more Rules could not be uploade to the Exchange Server
and has been deactivated...."
The interesting thing is that as soon as we reduce the number of users
listed in both Rules (from the GAL), from 23 to 21 or less, both Rules can be
enabled at the same time and works just fine.
QUESTION: Is there a limit to the number of users that can be entered into
a Server based Rule? Is it 21?
Thanks for your help,
My office users Outlook 2003 [SP1] on Win XP [SP2] platform.
Today, one of our users called me about an error message he keeps getting
when he does the following:
1) He creates a Server based Rule stating that if an email arrives from
someone out of a list of 23 users from the GAL (seperated by "or") ,
containing a certain word/s within the subject, then forward it to the same
list of 23 people (seperated by "and").
He then enables the Rule and runs a test and everything works just fine.
2) He goes on to create a second Server based Rule, that funtions pretty
similar to the first one, but the list of 23 users from the GAL are different
and the word/s from the subject field is also different.
As soon as he ties to enable the second Rule, he gets an error message
stating that "One or more Rules could not be uploade to the Exchange Server
and has been deactivated...."
The interesting thing is that as soon as we reduce the number of users
listed in both Rules (from the GAL), from 23 to 21 or less, both Rules can be
enabled at the same time and works just fine.
QUESTION: Is there a limit to the number of users that can be entered into
a Server based Rule? Is it 21?
Thanks for your help,