Server Busy Try Later error constantly



I recently began getting the "Server Busy Try Again Later" error VERY
frequently. I'm using Entourage 2004. I've updated to the current
version 11.3.6. and OS 10.4.1

I'm connected to the net via AT&T DSL.
I'm accessing my own domain

FREQUENTLY when I try to check mail Entourage throws the server busy
error, that is often followed by being forces to re-input my
password(s) for the mail accounts.

I can access the same exact server using Mac Mail, Win Outlook Express
or a Webmail interface and have NEVER received s "server busy" error.
It only occurs using Entourage.

I've read many posts regarding sending attachments and MTU values.
However, I have not problem sending attachments. I get this error upon
simply trying to receive mail.

AT&T and my hosting provider have not been able to provide any reason
this would happen and can only blame it on Entourage or an Entourage

Does anyone have any additional information on this behavior? I would
like to continue using Entourage for my business email as I enjoy the
integration with the Calendar and the overall compatibility with MS
Outlook features that most of my clients use and the message
formatting features. Mac Mail simply falls short on all of those
fronts. But this error is way too frequent and slows down the flow of
information and business in general.



Try installing tcpflow to monitor the traffic to see what is failing. You
will see the actual "conversation" between Entourage and your ISP.

Thank you Diane. I will try that out and see what information I can

- Cole


Diane -

I installed and ran tcpflow during an a few attempts to receive mail
until I reproduced the error. I've saved the log of that. However, I
have no clue what it means and it really doesn't appear to provide any
info other than the error itself. Please let me know what to do next.
I've pasted the log snippet that shows the error occurring for three
email addresses during this communication: +OK File busy try again
later! File busy try again
later! File busy try again
later! QUIT

Jolly Roger File busy try again

This is the server telling you a file on the server
is busy. This is not an Entourage problem, but a problem with your
mail server. Contact the server administrator and send them this
information asking for resolution.


Thanks. I will pass it to my hosting provider.

However, why would this only kick an error in Entourage and never do
it in Mac Mail which I use on my MacBookPro for all of the same email

Jolly Roger

Thanks. I will pass it to my hosting provider.

However, why would this only kick an error in Entourage and never do
it in Mac Mail which I use on my MacBookPro for all of the same email

Probably pure coincidence.


Probably pure coincidence.

Hmmm...I've never known coincidence to be consistent. That is the sort
of answer I have been getting from my hosting provider.

They can't replicate the problem so it doesn't exist.

I can only replicate it using Entourage. Though it is random when it
happens, it happens all day long.

Diane Ross

This is the server telling you a file on the server
is busy. This is not an Entourage problem, but a problem with your
mail server. Contact the server administrator and send them this
information asking for resolution.

When you call you are now armed with actual information. They can't pass off
the problem to Entourage.

Let us know what happens when you call.

Jolly Roger

Hmmm...I've never known coincidence to be consistent. That is the sort
of answer I have been getting from my hosting provider.

They can't replicate the problem so it doesn't exist.

I can only replicate it using Entourage. Though it is random when it
happens, it happens all day long.

The server is generating this message because a file the server needs
is locked. There is nothing Entourage can do directly to cause or
prevent this, as it is clearly a malfunction of the server. If your ISP
blames anything on your end, you should refuse to accept it.


Let us know what happens when you call.

I appreciate y'all helping. But I am very inclined to believe part of
the problem is Entourage' how it communicates with the server or

I have provided my host with the entire log. But since they cannot
replicate the problem to determine what is happening there is not way
for them to do anything about it.

There are a few solid facts on this issue:

- It ONLY happens when using Entourage
- It happens every day
- It has never happened accessing the accounts using Mac Mail or Win
Outlook Express

If I installed Entourage on another system i'm pretty positive it
would throw the same error. I had Entourage on my home desktop until
the database went corrupt and rebuilds failed. I essentially use my
MacBookPro at home now and have used Mac Mail on it since most of my
biz communication is done from the office and I don't need to keep two
calendars or two Office User databases.

Jolly Roger

I have provided my host with the entire log. But since they cannot
replicate the problem to determine what is happening there is not way
for them to do anything about it.

Sorry, but that's a load of bull. They run the server, so they have the
logs generated by the server. Those logs will show the error, and
that's proof enough that the problem exists. A well-configured and
well-running server won't generate lock file busy errors, no matter
what requests email clients make of the server. Period.

Since this is likely related to a lock file, it's likely that the
server is failing to remove the lock in some situations, or perhaps is
failing to remove the lock in a timely manner. Take a look at what
Entourage is doing when it checks mail. Is it making multiple queries
to the server in rapid succession? Do you have Entourage set to check
multiple mail accounts at the same time when you tell it to check mail?

Diane Ross

I appreciate y'all helping. But I am very inclined to believe part of
the problem is Entourage' how it communicates with the server or

Could I get you to do this for me? Send me your tcpflow report (you can xx
out passwords) and a summary like you did in this email. I'll pass it on for

To send me an email, go to this page and click on the link " Newsgroup
Support". Please do not change the subject. I use the subject in a rule so
the email does not get lost in my Junk folder.


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