Server Error: Cannot change permissions on file "index.html".



Please help, I am at my wits end. I have been using FrontPage for many years
but now I am wondering why, I can get NO support from anyone. I have tried
to republish my site and I am getting the following error message. "Server
Error: Cannot change permissions on file "index.html". Does anyone out
there know how to correct this? Thank you for your help.


Mark Fitzpatrick

You can always come here for help if you cannot get support in other places.
Unfortunately though, this sounds like a server issue. The permissions may
be messed up on the server side and that is probably giving FrontPage
errors. Have you contacted your host and if so what did they say? Is your
host GoDaddy by any chance? I'm asking because we are constantly seeing
users posting here with issues regarding GoDaddy hosting and the very poor
responses they typically receive. Since this is a server issue though, it
can only be fixed by a server administrator.


Thank you for your prompt response. Yes, I do have GoDaddy and when they
hear that I am using FrontPage they automatically say it is an issue with
FrontPage and do not try to help me at all. They are the ones that told me
that this was a FronPage issue and that they did not support FrontPage. If
you know of another hosting provider that works well with FrontPage please
let me know.

Mark Fitzpatrick

Hi Judy,
I have not used the FP Server Extension features in one of my own live sites
in a while so I'm not sure who is the best currently. I have heard people
had good response with I use CrystalTech for a number of
sites and they have a wide variety of plans that allow a lot of options for
Windows hosting. Their support has been responsive so far, and their control
panel is pretty nice.


Hi Mark,
Thanks for the info, do you have any other suggestions as to how to get my
site working again? What should I tell GoDaddy when I call them back?


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