Steve Horrillo
When trying to publish my web to efficientlife.org I am getting a "server
error: cannot create folder..." error message. I reinstalled FP extensions
on my host server and still can't get it to accept any files. I even tried
publishing a blank one page web. Same error. As I test used WS-FTP to
transfer files and it works. If I try uploading to my other domains
everything works fine. It's just happening on www.efficientlife.org
error: cannot create folder..." error message. I reinstalled FP extensions
on my host server and still can't get it to accept any files. I even tried
publishing a blank one page web. Same error. As I test used WS-FTP to
transfer files and it works. If I try uploading to my other domains
everything works fine. It's just happening on www.efficientlife.org