Server Error: Can't Open srm.conf


Charlies Daughter

I am runnig FP 2000 at home and 2002 at work. Both computers are set to have
Windows do Automatic Updates and both computers did a Service Pack 2 update

Yesterday I attempted to publish some pages and received this message - on
both computers:

Server Error: Can't Open srm.conf No such file or folder

I spent 55 minutes online "chatting" with a MS Professional yesterday only
to have him tell me at some point that he wasn't experienced in this and I
would have to contact another professional at Microsoft! Then, he couldn't
find the information of who I should contact and how, but said he would email
it to me - which he did not.

Can anyone help?


Charlies Daughter

Well, I seem to have found a "solution" but don't know what to do with it and
perhaps someone out there can help this dummy (me!). Here's what I found in
a Microsoft bulletin:

When you install the FrontPage Server Extensions to an Apache 1.3.0 Web
server, the following error message appears during the installation:
Cannot open "/usr/local/apache/conf/srm.conf": no such file or directory.

The path above is not a valid path by default.

To resolve this issue, add the following lines to your Httpd.conf file:
ResourceConfig /usr/local/apache/etc/srm.conf
AccessConfig /usr/local/apache/etc/access.conf

where /usr/local/apache is the ServerRoot for your system.

When you attempt to install the product using, the Srm.conf
file is not found by Fpsrvadm.exe (in the install server block, around line

Httpd.conf, Access.conf, and Srm.conf must all reside in the same directory.

Steve Easton

That's a job for your hosting company.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer


Are you the administrator for the Unix box hosting your web site? If not,
then pass the information to the administrator.

My Unix server does not have either of these files.

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