Server Error



I burned a CD of my web pages before my new HP computer
motherboard went bad. I put the disc in another computer.
I tried to send the My Webs file to Front Page. I get the
error message: "Server Error: The server extensions were
unable to access the file C:\My Documents\My
Webs\_vti_pvt\service.lck Please check the file
I see that file in the My Webs folder. How do I get out
of this mess? Please help.

Thomas A. Rowe

You need to copy the web to a folder on your HD, then open the folder in
Windows Explorer and select all files/folders and remove the read-only
attributes, then open the web in FP and publish it to the final location on
your HD.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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