Server Error


Sue M

Every time I try to update my site it starts to load then I get this error.

Server error: The folder that would hold URL’ artist/kate
palmer/eveninglight.jpg’ does not exist on the server.

The file is on the host site and everythings appears normal. I have done
all I can think of and can not find anything wrong.

Stefan B Rusynko

Does you local site have any folder / files w/ any spaces in the file names (as in "kate palmer")
- if so remove them (replace spaces w/ a - or _)
What is the URL of your site that you are publishing to?


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| Every time I try to update my site it starts to load then I get this error.
| Server error: The folder that would hold URL’ artist/kate
| palmer/eveninglight.jpg’ does not exist on the server.
| The file is on the host site and everythings appears normal. I have done
| all I can think of and can not find anything wrong.

Dan L

Also, if your site is hosted on a unix server, ensure the case in your HTML
matches exactly the case of your referenced file - evenighlight.jpg is
different from evenighlight.JPG on a 'nix' server.

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