Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' after Office 2003


Jay Griffin

I have an asp page that was working fine with Office XP
OWC. After
upgrading to Office 2003, I received this error message:

Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/sapcssrpt/rt/functions.asp, line 3
Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to
this message
please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:

The first few lines of functions.asp are:

Function barChartImage(strTitle, strCategory, strValues,
aryLabel, strColor, intWidth, intHight, strFormat,
strMax, strMin)
Set objChartSpace = Server.CreateObject("OWC.Chart")
Set objChart = objChartSpace.Charts.Add
Set c = objChartSpace.Constants

I tried re-register OWC11.DLL, but that did not help.

I posted this message in the IIS forum and they said they
thought this was by design.

This is what they said:
"That looks like By-design (you may want to check with an
Office Newsgroup).

I see OWC.Chart existing for my Office 2000 and Office XP
installations, but
not on my Office 2003 machine. It looks like it's been
removed, though
maybe its functionality may have been upgraded (though I
don't know what the
name of that class would be).

This is now an Office question that will be better served
on an Office
newsgroup. ASP is simply reporting that it failed to
instantiate the ProgId
because it wasn't there."

Any Suggestions?



I believe in Office 11, the fomer OWC.Chart is now referred to as


Steve Arbaugh
MS Access MVP

Jay Griffin

How can I find out?
Is there a document that lists the differences? Or is
there a way to look-up?



Actually, I apologize, the proper object is "OWC11.ChartSpace"

Run that and you should be OK.

The old OWC.Chart actually would create I believe on Office 2000 Office Web
component chart object. (You could tell this by look in at the major
version of the Chart object once created and in a debug session.)

To validate what's on your system now, simply open the registry editor and
navigate to the HKEY_Classes_Root key and scroll down to the OWC


Steve Arbaugh
MS Access MVP

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