victor monsalve
I'm not sure my question falls into the above category. Briefly, I bought an interface named Audiophile USB. I paid over US200.- at Sam Ash. I haven't been able to install it. Support at M-Audio -the manufacturer tells me that i must have
the service pack for windows XP (I have a Dell laptop with that OS)...my question would to know exactly which service
pack 1 they are refering to, thee are a good number of them listed in the Microsof download center but I can't determine
which is the one required. In addition a special driver is needed which I already downloades, however, the Service pack 1
is a mandatory requirement and I am not at genious when it comes to computers....i just use them to make my music and
write my mail....can anyone help, please. If so, i extend my warmest thanks to anyone who can help!!
victor monsalve
the service pack for windows XP (I have a Dell laptop with that OS)...my question would to know exactly which service
pack 1 they are refering to, thee are a good number of them listed in the Microsof download center but I can't determine
which is the one required. In addition a special driver is needed which I already downloades, however, the Service pack 1
is a mandatory requirement and I am not at genious when it comes to computers....i just use them to make my music and
write my mail....can anyone help, please. If so, i extend my warmest thanks to anyone who can help!!
victor monsalve