Service Pack 2a HELP



Dear all,
Seems like there is lot of issue after installing service pack2a.What i want
to knw is what to do before install that service pack.I am a bit confused on
Microsoft suggestion on upgrading SQL database before service pack
installation.Anyone can explain on this.How to upgrade properly?What is
partitioned database?My project server and database reside on the same
machine.Is it partitioned db then?

Thank you

Aaron Tamblyn

Applying the Project Server service pack is different than applying most
Microsoft service packs. You need to complete three parts.
1. Apply the service pack to the database (This involves running scripts
against the database)

2. Install the Project Server service pack (Through running an installer file)

3. Upgrade the WSS templates (Through running an installer file)

The 'upgrade the database' that you refer to is the database section of
applying the service pack. The instructions on the download page for the
service pack detail the process. Note that you need to complete all three

In addition you should also apply Service Pack 2 for Project Professional.

It sounds like you don't have a partitioned database.

Refer to the download page for instructions


Hi Aaron,
But seems lilkr that article giving instruction for partitioned
database.What about my case?

Aaron Tamblyn

Most Project Server systems will be operating on a single database. I have
been through the process of applying the service pack successfully to a
single Project Server database system many times using the steps defined on
the download page.

The instructions state that IF the database is partitioned then you need to
run the database update script against each database (when you partition the
database, you will have more than one database). In your case you only have
one database so you will only be running the database script against the one

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