Service Pack II



This morning I clicked on the AOPA icon to connect to the
AOPA flight server and get information. When I did, a box
appeared asking a service pack 2 question. Without
studying the box I clicked on the recommended suggestion.
Afterward I was not able to access the AOPA server. How
do I go back and choose another service pack option so
that I can access the AOPA server?

'69 Camaro


Not to insult you, but one's chances for getting a correct answer by posting
this question in the UseNet forum for security issues for Microsoft Access
databases is much lower than one's chances of being struck by lightning.

What method did you use to post this question? I ask because we've been
getting barrelsful of questions that have nothing to do with databases or
even Microsoft's Office products, which Access is a component of. The
method you used to post this question is either mismarked or too confusing
to be useful. As a member of the aviation community, you would want this
valuable resource to be corrected for the general public, too. Did you use
a Web interface? If so, what is the URL? If we could identify the source
of these misdirected questions, then perhaps we could alert the proper
authorities to the problem and get it fixed ASAP. Or at least issue a
NOTAM. ;-)



See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)

'69 Camaro

I suppose that I should have mentioned to spiker6 that he ought to purchase
a lottery ticket on the way to the airport, because as a former member of
the aviation community, I do know what he's referring to, and after a slight
bit of research, I could have answered his question when he posted back.

Oh, well.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)

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