Bulleted lists default to being indented 0.25". I usually need bullets
aligned with the left margin. How can this be set so I don't have to adjust
bullet position every time I start a new list.
I know how to do this in 2003, but can't find it in 207. The online tutorial
on lists says it can be done (covered "later" in the tutorial, which I
couldn't find quickly and didn't have time sit through the entire 20-30
minute lesson).
aligned with the left margin. How can this be set so I don't have to adjust
bullet position every time I start a new list.
I know how to do this in 2003, but can't find it in 207. The online tutorial
on lists says it can be done (covered "later" in the tutorial, which I
couldn't find quickly and didn't have time sit through the entire 20-30
minute lesson).