set default value for a cell


CEM Matt

I would like a cell to start with a default value based on another cell, but
allow the user to override the value using a choice from a list in data
validation. How do I set the original default value?

Fred Smith

You put a formula in the cell. Something like


CEM Matt

Thanks, Fred. I did end up entering an IF formula, then set up a data
validation list for the user to select from. The only problem, if the user
selects an option, the formula is gone and the cell will no longer default,
it must always be manually set.

I haven't tried this. Is it possible to put a furmula in a data validation
list, so the user can put the default back in, should he decide he wants the
system to choose the correct response?

Fred Smith

I don't use data validation, so I can't help you with that. My suggestion is
to post your question in a separate thread. It will get much more attention
than this one.

You're right, it you enter something in your cell, you lose the formula.
Possible solutions are:
1. Use two cells. Enter data in one cell, the other is the formula,
something like: =if(a1<>"",a1,"default")
2. Use a macro


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