set Excel.Axis properties



I am trying to manipulate a chart's secondary axis group to be as follows:

In excel there is a checkbox under "Chart Options" for the "Axes" tab. I
want to programatically check the "Category (X) axis" and set the Category
Type to "Time-scale".

I have figured out how to obtain an instance of the secondary Axis (show

Excel.Axis axis = (Excel.Axis)oChart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory,


I cannot figure out how to set that checkbox via this object and when I try
to set the Category type using the following code:

axis.CategoryType = Excel.XlCategoryType.xlTimeScale;

It actually sets the CategoryType to xlCategoryScale, not xlTimeScale
(weird). I would GREATLY appreciate any insight that you may have to offer.



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