Set FieldSize on new field in make table query



I am creating a new empty numeric column in a make table query by using the
construct New Field:0 This creates a new field in the new table, but it has
FieldSize Long Integer. I want it to be Double. How can I do this in the make
table query. I know how to change it in the new table after it has been
created, but would prefer not to do that.

John W. Vinson

I am creating a new empty numeric column in a make table query by using the
construct New Field:0 This creates a new field in the new table, but it has
FieldSize Long Integer. I want it to be Double. How can I do this in the make
table query. I know how to change it in the new table after it has been
created, but would prefer not to do that.

MakeTable queries are rather inflexible and awkward - for this reason
among others; and in practice they are quite rarely needed. Why do you
feel that you need to routinely create new tables?? What can you do
with this table that cannot be done with a Select Query?

Another possibility if you're using this as a "scratchpad" type table
is to have a static table in your database; rather than creating a new
table each time, empty it with a Delete query and refill it using an
Append query. This lets you specify datatypes and text field sizes,
formats, etc. and have them stick.

If you do want to force the datatype, try

NewField: CDbl(0)

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Thank you John, Cdbl( ) was what I was looking for.
I take your other comments on board too. I am new to Access and still
experimenting with different ideas.

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