I have the following code on a form that is based on a query, what it
does as i type in post code ( zip code) it requry every time to show
closest match
Code is
Private Sub PostCodeSearch_Change()
On Error Resume Next
Me!PostCodeSearch.SelStart = Len(Me.PostCodeSearch)
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Problem is if i try to do a space it does not work
If it try to type the followin postcode po34 5gs it comes up as
po345gs how do it code it so it always spaces
does as i type in post code ( zip code) it requry every time to show
closest match
Code is
Private Sub PostCodeSearch_Change()
On Error Resume Next
Me!PostCodeSearch.SelStart = Len(Me.PostCodeSearch)
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Problem is if i try to do a space it does not work
If it try to type the followin postcode po34 5gs it comes up as
po345gs how do it code it so it always spaces