set focus to input in frame



I have the following input line in "upload.asp":
<input type="file" name="file1" size="40">

When I navigate IE to "upload.asp" (without frames), this line works to set
focus to "file1" input:
but it doesn't work when "upload.asp" is in a frame.

What is the syntex to set focus to "file1" when "upload.asp" is in the
second frame as below?:
<frameset rows="75,*" framespacing='1' frameborder='1' border='1'>
<frame frameborder='0' framespacing='0' src="/docs/mynav.htm" noresize
scrolling='no' name="frmnav"></frame>
<frame frameborder='0' framespacing='0' src="/docs/upload.asp"


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