Set Individual colours to Hyperlinks



Is there a way to asign each Hyperlink with it's own colour, at present, on
Format / Colour Schemes, it allows you to change Hyperlink colours, but it
changes all hyperlinks throughout the web site which is not good against
certain backgrounds.
Is there away to choose each Individual colours.


Is there any way that i can over ride the programme with one code so i can
insert my text as normal & choose the hyperlink colour from the pallet on the
menu bar.

With the code below it will mean having to use it for every link thus having
serveral Code fragments all over the page, is it possible to have just one

I know this may be possible as i have done this by using one code to get rid
of the underlines from hyperlinks.


Thank you for your reply.
Is it possible to narrow down your answer a bit, yes there is a lot of code,
& i am a bit confused, i really dont know what i am looking at when it comes
to code. I have 5 links which i wish to change colour.
If you wish to visit my site you will see what i mean at the top.
I have had success withremoving underlines from hyperlinks, i have attached
the code below, do you know if this code can be modified, so it removes the
overiding programme default, so i can choose each individual hyperlink colour.
The code below removes all hyperlink underscores from the whole page with
one code.

many thanks for your patience


Yes; I'm afraid what you want to do will become cumbersome after awhile
unless some of the MS VIP's have a solution.

You could build individual menu items using coffeecups free dhtml menu
builer and insert them into the body of your pages so that they line up, and
they wouldn't have to be changed after updates. It would take some trial and
error but would work.


Perhaps you could either change your background color in your upper navbar,
so you get better contrast, or maybe modify your code snippet to:

a:hover {color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold;}

Then when you mouseover the links, they will turn white, bold. If you want
to use a different color than white, just change the color code. You can use
a color picker to such as Pixie to choose any color you might want for the



As you have discovered, there is no easy way to have two different link
colors on the same page. While it is possible, it probably not practical.

Almost everything in web design is a trade off. If you have to have the red
background, then perhaps you should use blue or black as your font/link
color....or a darker red. Or try the workaround that I gave you. Just
replace the code snippet you are using to remove the underline, with the one
I gave you, and do a web page preview. Mouseover your links and see if that
at least helps. And note that it will apply the mouseover effect to all
links, including your vertical navbar. And if you don't like the bold,
change that to 'normal'.

Pixie is just a great little color picker program. It will help at
identifying color codes, but it won't solve your design challenges.



I have installed Pixie, how do i in put a chosen colour code into publisher.


Just change the color code in the code snippet. #FFFFFF is white. Open Pixie
and mouseover any color, and it will show you the color code(s).



Sure. Just use the RBG color code that you see when you mouseover the color
with Pixie. Use the Custom color tab, and type in the values for each.



Many Thanks for your guidance on this matter.
I have installed the code snippet with the mouse over & over the next few
days will change the background colour to show the Hyperlinks better.
All the best for the new year
Thank you

Mike Koewler


If one uses CSS, isn't it possible to have as many different link colors
as one wants? If so, it is still a lot more work than simply inserting a
link, but it might work for her.

Not that I am trying to promote another program, but WebPlus allows one
to do this - very easily. Just in case the OP is doing lots of web work!




Sorry...I am a copy and paster when it comes to coding. I understand a
little, but not nearly enough to answer your question. The code snippet I
posted, I copied from somewhere else, and modified it just a bit...tried it
in Publisher, and since it seemed to work, posted it as a possible work

Score another one for WP10! I keep waiting for Natasha, or whatever her name
is, to send me a discount offer <grin>.

Personally, I think you need to be very careful about mixing up link colors.
The public is used to underlined blue text for an active link...they
recognize it. They might not recognize an active link without the underline,
and especially if it is a different color.


Mike Koewler


E-mail me with a good addy and I'll pass it on to her.

You're right about mixing link colors. I do it sometimes on a page but
will usually add something like Click Here to see the latest news.


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