set language to Australian English



How can I set the language to Australian English?

(No matter what I do the default keeps changing to US English.)

Jean-Guy Marcil

Maxx said:
How can I set the language to Australian English?

(No matter what I do the default keeps changing to US English.)

Thre is such a thing as Australian English? ;-)

Seriously, set the default to Aussie English...
How you do this depends on the flavour of Word you are using.

Get to the "Set Language" dialog, (Word 2003 and before: Tools > Language)
from there select the language you want and click on the "Default..." button.
If you get a prompt asking you if you want to save your, make sure
you click on Yes.

Any particular reason why you posted this in the Programming group?


The procedure you described for is exactly what I've been doing (Word 2003 -
Windows XP) and the default keeps changing to US English.

Folks who know about programming Word might be so familiar with the program
that they would know what is going wrong here.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Maxx said:
The procedure you described for is exactly what I've been doing (Word 2003 -
Windows XP) and the default keeps changing to US English.

Folks who know about programming Word might be so familiar with the program
that they would know what is going wrong here.

You are saying that you use the method I described, and then, when you
create a document just by opening Word (Document 1), that document is set to
US English even before you do anything with it?

Are you using Adobe Acrobat?
If so, make sure you update it.

Any other Add-ins?


Jean-Guy Marcil said:
You are saying that you use the method I described, and then, when you
create a document just by opening Word (Document 1), that document is set
US English even before you do anything with it?

Are you using Adobe Acrobat?
If so, make sure you update it.

Any other Add-ins?

Thank you for your help.

I solved the problem by downloading from Microsoft a small tool called:
Microsoft Office 2003 Desktop Language Settings.

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