set markers for commonly changed text in a report



I write reports that have some standard descriptive paragraphs that have
statistical numbers that change with each individual report. I would like to
be able to tab throught the report to change the statistics to have the
report writing go quicker.

Greg Maxey

Sub ScratchMacro()
Msgbox "What specific VBA assistance do you requires?"
End SUb

Greg Maxey


Smart remarks aside ;-). It is really difficult to assist you without a
little more detail. You certainly don't need any VBA to tab through a

Is writing your reports a process where you might open a previous report,
make changes to a few statistics disperssed throughout the report, and then
print and save?

If so then you should save an existing report as a template. Then in the
template bookmark the various statistical entries. E.g.,

Sales: $5,500.00 (Bookmark the $5,500.00 with a bookmark named "bkSales")
Expenses: $3,400.00 (Bookmark the $5,500.00 with a bookmark named

The you could add a Userform to the template and call it with code like

Sub AutoNew
Dim oFrm as UserForm1
Set oFrm = New UserForm1
Unload oFrm
Set oFrm = Nothing
End Sub

The UserForm would have label and text fields for inputing sales and

Then with a command button click event in the UserForm you could update your
report like this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oRng as Word.Range
Dim oBMs as Bookmarks
Set oBMs = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
Set oRng = oBMs("bkSales").Range
oRng.Text = Me.txtSales.Text
oBMs.Add "bkSales", oRng
Set oRng = oBMs("bkExpenses").Range
oRng.Text = Me.txtExpenses.Text
oBMs.Add "bkExpenses", oRng
End Sub

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