Smart remarks aside ;-). It is really difficult to assist you without a
little more detail. You certainly don't need any VBA to tab through a
Is writing your reports a process where you might open a previous report,
make changes to a few statistics disperssed throughout the report, and then
print and save?
If so then you should save an existing report as a template. Then in the
template bookmark the various statistical entries. E.g.,
Sales: $5,500.00 (Bookmark the $5,500.00 with a bookmark named "bkSales")
Expenses: $3,400.00 (Bookmark the $5,500.00 with a bookmark named
The you could add a Userform to the template and call it with code like
Sub AutoNew
Dim oFrm as UserForm1
Set oFrm = New UserForm1
Unload oFrm
Set oFrm = Nothing
End Sub
The UserForm would have label and text fields for inputing sales and
Then with a command button click event in the UserForm you could update your
report like this:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oRng as Word.Range
Dim oBMs as Bookmarks
Set oBMs = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
Set oRng = oBMs("bkSales").Range
oRng.Text = Me.txtSales.Text
oBMs.Add "bkSales", oRng
Set oRng = oBMs("bkExpenses").Range
oRng.Text = Me.txtExpenses.Text
oBMs.Add "bkExpenses", oRng
End Sub