Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find



Hello VBA expert,
I want to get from the Outlook Calendar an appointment for a certain date
The following code works fine if the appointement is NOT set to all day
event, if so, oApptItem will equal Nothing.
But all my appointments are set to AlldayEvent. in the calendar. Is there a
way to get it ?

tdystart = Format(DateDebut, "Short Date")
Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find("[Start] >= """ & tdystart &

Thanks for your help in advance !!


I even try the folloying

Set oApptItem = oCalendarFolder.Items.Find("[subject] = " & strActivite &
" AND [Location]=" & strLocation & " AND [Start] = """ & tdystart & """" & "
AND [AlldayEvent]= true")

Still the same thing, it cannot find my date in the calendar.
oApptItem equal nothing

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