set olap pivot table selection



i have a pivot table in excel tied to an analysis services 2000 cube.
i want to drill into the row field based on a page item value from
another pivot table. once i clear the existing selections, i use the
following code to 'reset' the row selections. however, it keeps
selecting the 'ascending' item value plus the variable selection i'm
successfully passing. for example,consider the values in the row
dimension are sorted in ascending order and contain the following

ABC Company
DEF Company
GHI Company
JKL Company

if "GHI" Company is the value i'm attempting to select through a
variable (custnme), the code below will select it plus ABC Company the
first time the code is run. the second time the code is run it will
correctly select "GHI Company" but then also select "DEF Company" and
so on...

any ideas on what i'm doing wrong?

'Build Pivot - Drill Accounts - Select New Company Name
pt4.CubeFields(1).TreeviewControl. _
Drilled = Array(Array(""), Array("[Accounts].[All Accounts].[" &
custnme & "]"))

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