set page widths for frontpage



I have a problem with my pages when they are minimized. They do not hold the
parameters of the page and a horizontal scroll button comes up at the bottom
of the page, making the user have to scroll left or right to view the whole
page. I have set the widths to 950 pixels. Need the page to stay the same
when minimizing from full page. Don't care about the vertical scroll, just
the horizontal. Web site, hope I conveyed my thought clearly.
Thank you

Teri Carnright

Many people still view in 800 x 600 resolution, so you have an issue with
horizontal scrolling right off the bat at 950 pix in width. If you are
looking to do the best job of avoiding the horizontal scroll bar, you need to
use percentage rather than pixels for your layout. That way, as the page is
minimized, your horizontal scroll won't show until the width of images on the
pages is wider than the user's browser window.


E. T. Culling

Read the article I previously sent you to get a better understanding of how
it all works. Try setting your page width much narrower... to be viewed in
800 x 600 browser ... 750 wide might do the trick. Use tables to layout your

Steve Easton

Create a main table set to 100% width and place all of the content in the table.

However, be prepared for the content of the page to "move around" when minimized.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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