Set Tab Order



I have created a form that contains many text boxes, a combo box, and a list
box. They have been inserted out of number order and I cannot get it to let
me tab or enter from one to another.

I have read about changing the TabIndex property, but cannot locate it. Can
anyone tell me how to let my users tab or enter from one control to the next?

Thank you!

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Assuming that you are talking about a UserForm, with the UserForm displayed
in the Visual Basic Editor, select Tab Order from the Visual Basic View

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

kristenb via

I tried that, but Tab Order is greyed out - I cannot select it. Do you know
how I can change that?

Thanks for your help!
Assuming that you are talking about a UserForm, with the UserForm displayed
in the Visual Basic Editor, select Tab Order from the Visual Basic View
I have created a form that contains many text boxes, a combo box, and a
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
Thank you!

kristenb via

ok, I get it. But, I'm not using a UserForm...I am talking about a word doc
that I have added text boxes and a combo box to along with code. How do I
tab from one to the next?

I tried that, but Tab Order is greyed out - I cannot select it. Do you know
how I can change that?

Thanks for your help!
Assuming that you are talking about a UserForm, with the UserForm displayed
in the Visual Basic Editor, select Tab Order from the Visual Basic View
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]

Stefan Blom

If this is a protected form, see

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
ok, I get it. But, I'm not using a UserForm...I am talking about a word
that I have added text boxes and a combo box to along with code. How do I
tab from one to the next?

I tried that, but Tab Order is greyed out - I cannot select it. Do you
how I can change that?

Thanks for your help!
Assuming that you are talking about a UserForm, with the UserForm
in the Visual Basic Editor, select Tab Order from the Visual Basic View
[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
Thank you!

kristenb via

I'm sorry - I wish I could explain better what I'm doing... Let's see... I
created a document in Word 2003. Then I added some controls: Labels, text
boxes, combo box, list box. I have written code for the combo box and list
box. Now I want my users to fill in a text box, then hit tab (or any key) to
move to the next control. I also want to set the order which they move from
one control to the next. I tried doing a keybinding thing last night, but I
couldn't figure that out either. I am fairly new to this, but enjoy it (more
than people I know think I should). I really appreciate your time and

Stefan said:
If this is a protected form, see

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP
ok, I get it. But, I'm not using a UserForm...I am talking about a word
[quoted text clipped - 14 lines]

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