Almost as expected. But, in Works WP, a text box had/has a turn handle
attached, like the one on Word's picture inserts. I used it, a few times.
Also, I did something identical - twist a text box - in Word as part of Works
Suite 2006.
Thanks for the title - access to documentation is always a problem, and the
use of imaginative graphics is always fun. There is no reason why the
individual home-publishing nutter can't emulate the best/worst/strangest of
Reader's Digest, Time, Mad Magazine, and any other publication - if a
back-door method can be found.
For this one, I was almost at the point of set the box contents as a
separate document, print, scan, and insert as .jpg or .gif. I finally did a
WordArt insertion; this is going to be the long way around, with some 30
elements, repeated six times each, on a page, and doubled. The tedium of
pre-machine craftsmanship ...