Set text box at angle to text not square?



How can a text box be "turned," in Word 2007, to an angle other than "square"
to main text, in the way that WordArt or pictures may be angled?

Jay Freedman

How can a text box be "turned," in Word 2007, to an angle other than "square"
to main text, in the way that WordArt or pictures may be angled?

It can't, and never could in any previous version.

Use PowerPoint to create the text box and rotate it. Copy the box to
the clipboard, go to Word, click the Paste button, choose Paste
Special, and paste as a picture.

For more, see


Almost as expected. But, in Works WP, a text box had/has a turn handle
attached, like the one on Word's picture inserts. I used it, a few times.
Also, I did something identical - twist a text box - in Word as part of Works
Suite 2006.

Thanks for the title - access to documentation is always a problem, and the
use of imaginative graphics is always fun. There is no reason why the
individual home-publishing nutter can't emulate the best/worst/strangest of
Reader's Digest, Time, Mad Magazine, and any other publication - if a
back-door method can be found.

For this one, I was almost at the point of set the box contents as a
separate document, print, scan, and insert as .jpg or .gif. I finally did a
WordArt insertion; this is going to be the long way around, with some 30
elements, repeated six times each, on a page, and doubled. The tedium of
pre-machine craftsmanship ...

Keith Howell

There is a cheats method in 2003 - see:

Does it work in 2007?

Keith Howell

Ooops Mary, I only typed one backslash after the http:

Should have been


Oh how I wish I could get away from Tesco and do away with the homepages and
my name but I feel they conned me when I registered drawingwithword. I
intended that folks should be able to refer to pages off but you can't (and they charged me $100) .

Hey ho, you seem to know your way round my site better than I do. Thanks for
helping out

Mary Sauer

On your web site, right-click anywhere on the page, click properties and do a

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