John Calder
I use Excel 2K
I have a form with a number of textboxes. I would like some of these
textboxes to default to a particular number. This is so the user does not
have to keep typing a number that is usually always the same for each entry.
This is the code I presently use in the form:-
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("DATA")
'find first empty row in database
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
..End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
'check for a part number
If Trim(Me.TxtDate.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a the date"
Exit Sub
End If
'copy the data to the database
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.TxtDate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = Me.TxtWeek.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = Me.TxtShift.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = Me.TxtCrew.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 5).Value = Me.TxtNonProdDel.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 6).Value = Me.TxtCalShift.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 7).Value = Me.TxtInput.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 8).Value = Me.TxtOutput.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 9).Value = Me.TxtDelays.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 10).Value = Me.TxtCoils.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 11).Value = Me.TxtThrd.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 12).Value = Me.TxtEps.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 13).Value = Me.TxtType.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 14).Value = Me.TxtNpft.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 15).Value = Me.TxtScrp.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 16).Value = Me.TxtDwnGrd.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 17).Value = Me.TxtRawCoil.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 18).Value = Me.TxtInj.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 19).Value = Me.TxtSlowRun.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 20).Value = Me.TxtPlanOutput.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 21).Value = Me.TxtBudgOutput.Value
'As an option to the code below, unload and reload the form...
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Su
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, _
CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please use the button!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TxtDate_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sEntry As String
Dim iLoc As Integer
sEntry = Trim(Me.TxtDate.Value)
iLoc = InStr(sEntry, "/")
If iLoc > 0 Then
sEntry = Right$(sEntry, Len(sEntry) - iLoc) & "/" & Left$(sEntry,
iLoc - 1)
On Error Resume Next
Me.TxtDate.Value = Format(CDate(sEntry), "dd-mmm-yy")
If Err <> 0 Then
GoTo Had_Problem
End If
Exit Sub
End I
MsgBox "Could not interpret your entry as a date in the format of d/m."
& vbLf & "Please try again..."
Cancel = True
End Sub
So, for example if I wanted the text box (textWeek) to always default to 20
(unless I physically overwrite it) how would I change the code to accomodate
I use Excel 2K
I have a form with a number of textboxes. I would like some of these
textboxes to default to a particular number. This is so the user does not
have to keep typing a number that is usually always the same for each entry.
This is the code I presently use in the form:-
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("DATA")
'find first empty row in database
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1) _
..End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
'check for a part number
If Trim(Me.TxtDate.Value) = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a the date"
Exit Sub
End If
'copy the data to the database
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.TxtDate.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = Me.TxtWeek.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 3).Value = Me.TxtShift.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 4).Value = Me.TxtCrew.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 5).Value = Me.TxtNonProdDel.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 6).Value = Me.TxtCalShift.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 7).Value = Me.TxtInput.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 8).Value = Me.TxtOutput.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 9).Value = Me.TxtDelays.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 10).Value = Me.TxtCoils.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 11).Value = Me.TxtThrd.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 12).Value = Me.TxtEps.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 13).Value = Me.TxtType.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 14).Value = Me.TxtNpft.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 15).Value = Me.TxtScrp.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 16).Value = Me.TxtDwnGrd.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 17).Value = Me.TxtRawCoil.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 18).Value = Me.TxtInj.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 19).Value = Me.TxtSlowRun.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 20).Value = Me.TxtPlanOutput.Value
ws.Cells(iRow, 21).Value = Me.TxtBudgOutput.Value
'As an option to the code below, unload and reload the form...
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Su
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, _
CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please use the button!"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TxtDate_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim sEntry As String
Dim iLoc As Integer
sEntry = Trim(Me.TxtDate.Value)
iLoc = InStr(sEntry, "/")
If iLoc > 0 Then
sEntry = Right$(sEntry, Len(sEntry) - iLoc) & "/" & Left$(sEntry,
iLoc - 1)
On Error Resume Next
Me.TxtDate.Value = Format(CDate(sEntry), "dd-mmm-yy")
If Err <> 0 Then
GoTo Had_Problem
End If
Exit Sub
End I
MsgBox "Could not interpret your entry as a date in the format of d/m."
& vbLf & "Please try again..."
Cancel = True
End Sub
So, for example if I wanted the text box (textWeek) to always default to 20
(unless I physically overwrite it) how would I change the code to accomodate