set the default encoding for all incoming messages


neo [mvp outlook]

If I understand your question correctly, it is the sender that controls the
encoding of the message for transport and not the recipient.


but when outlook couldn't identify the right encoding of the message will
encode the message with Western European (ISO) as the default encoding, I
need to change this !!
another thing I face this problem with hotmail & yahoo accounts so i tried
to look for the option of change the encoding for outgoing message in yahoo
or hotmail but to no avail, so i think the solution is to change the default
encoding on my outlook, ... Right?

neo [mvp outlook]

I don't have an idea on how either of these two handle encoding of messages
when access is by web browser. Guess if you want to play around with
Outlook's encoding setting, you can find it at Tools > Options > Mail Format
Internation Options button.


international option button only for out going messages but I need it's
corresponding option for encoding the incoming messages.

thanks for your help

neo [mvp outlook]

The only other one I am asware of is on a received message. View >

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