Set up a count and countif?



I've set up a Countif formula for a column that has either High, Medium and
=COUNTIF(D8:D250,"Low") etc giving me the data of each.

Corresponding to this column, I have another which will have 'date issued'.
The actual date doesn't matter to me, I just want to set up a formula that
reflects that either the High, Medium or Low has been issued and I want this
number per catagory?

I've tried the 'count' function to no avail?

Can I use count and countif in the same formula?

Many thanks


Use sumproduct to test for two conditions. I'' assume that wehn no data is
issued the cell is blank


Where column E contains the issue dates.


Thank you

Worked perfectly

joel said:
Use sumproduct to test for two conditions. I'' assume that wehn no data is
issued the cell is blank


Where column E contains the issue dates.

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