What are the best practices for setting up complex, multi-part documents in
WORD 2007?
Specifically we want to be able to have 6 to 12 separate parts of a single
document, set up in a way that we can quickly move from one part to another
part; without scrolling through the pages.
In EXCEL this can be done by using multiple "worksheets".
In Lotus WORDPRO this can be done by creating what they call sections.
Word's "sections" do not appear to be comparable.
English is not my native lanuage.
Please be clear and specifc in your reply. Thank you!
WORD 2007?
Specifically we want to be able to have 6 to 12 separate parts of a single
document, set up in a way that we can quickly move from one part to another
part; without scrolling through the pages.
In EXCEL this can be done by using multiple "worksheets".
In Lotus WORDPRO this can be done by creating what they call sections.
Word's "sections" do not appear to be comparable.
English is not my native lanuage.
Please be clear and specifc in your reply. Thank you!