Rafael said:
Word 2004
OS 10.4.7
Ibook G4
First. Thanks to everyone for many good answers to all my questions.
My question now is about how to make pages for a binder or a book. The
criteria are:
- printed both sides of the paper
- different side margins front and back to make room for the binder rings
- maintain pagination
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The magic phrase is "facing pages"
The magic word is "gutter"
You really mean different margins inside and outside.
Pagination is not a problem. Number as usual. Do start chapters on
recto pages, which should have odd numbers. Do this by making each
chapter a new section which starts on odd page.
Printing might be more interesting. If your printer lacks a duplex
option, a little experimentation with Word's and Apple's print
dialogues and you printer will show you how. The exact recipe depends
on whether your printer tumbles the pages and whether you are printing
landscape or portrait. (Experiment hint: number one side of the raw
stock in pencil before you start).
e.g both my printers tumble, and feed the output face down, top toward
the operator. The duplexer on one is busted and the other never had
one. The recipe is the same for each.
Print even reversed. Place the output stack back in the input hopper
without any rotation. Print odd. The result is a duplex stack in the
right order face down in the output tray.
(If you have an odd number of pages, doing even reversed first means
the last page out will be the last odd page, blank on the other side,
having used all the original pass paper and one more sheet. It saves
thinking about preparing the stack for the second pass.
If you bind on the long edge (landscape) then there is a twist on
re-stack. Which way depends on the page-set-up you chose in the print
You may also get tripped up by certain section changes splitting the
print run. That will ruin any attempt to print all evens then all odds
on a second pass. If you run into that, the fix involves printing to
PDF and stitching the PDFs back before you print on paper.