Set Value?



I am trying to set the value of a text box within a form when the user
creates a new record in that form. I want the value to be pulled from
another form in the database, but not linked.

In other words, I want to just copy the value from one field to another--
once and only once. Example:

Form1: field="Name"

subform1: field="NameAtTimeRecordWasCreated"

the "Name" field on Form1 will continue to be updated-- records will be
written over, not added.

as new records are added to subform1, I want the
"NameAtTimeRecordWasCreated" field populated with the value in the "Name"
field (Form1) at that particular moment in time.

I want the "NameAtTimeRecordWasCreated" field to never change, even when the
"Name" field (Form1) is altered.

Is this possible?

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