Set variable = nothing?



Just a quick verification...

If one were to use the following code line:

Set xFind = Range(xColumn).Find("Total Equities")

Or for that matter, anytime the "Set" command is used,
shouldn't one always at some point later set the variable
equal to nothing?

For example,

Set xFind = Nothing

Thanks for your input.

Tom Ogilvy

If it is a local variable and the routine ends, it is cleaned up anyway
because it goes out of scope. So it isn't necessary/essential.

Bob Phillips


A very interesting question, with differing opinions.

The obvious answer is yes, of course you should, otherwise memory is tied up
unnecessarily. However, Matthew Curland, who is a Microsoft Developer who
works on VB, whereby he scorned the practice as totally unnecessary,
breaking program flow, and adding to the size of your code.

I had an exchange of views with Dick Kusleika in these groups on the topic,
and my conclusion was that I am ready to take the chance of not setting to
Nothing, unless I want to clear it early in the code, use it as a
documentation aid to say that this object is no longer required. But .... if
I forget and set it to nothing, not something to lose sleep over.

If you want to read that exchange, try


Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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