Sam Kuo
I'm trying to set focus back to a textbox after exiting the textbox, if the
condition isn't met.
I found a similar example in an earlier thread by jimec74, titled "Using
SetFocus with Frames", which was said to work. But when I tested it myself in
Excel 2003, the SetFocus doesn't seem to fire (i.e. focus still jumps to the
next textbox). Is this just me?
Sub Txt_StartValue_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim Msg, Title, Response
If IsNumeric(Txt_StartValue.Value) = False Then
Msg = "You must enter a number"
Title = "Non-numeric Value"
Response = MsgBox(Msg,16,Title)
End If
End Sub
I'm trying to set focus back to a textbox after exiting the textbox, if the
condition isn't met.
I found a similar example in an earlier thread by jimec74, titled "Using
SetFocus with Frames", which was said to work. But when I tested it myself in
Excel 2003, the SetFocus doesn't seem to fire (i.e. focus still jumps to the
next textbox). Is this just me?
Sub Txt_StartValue_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim Msg, Title, Response
If IsNumeric(Txt_StartValue.Value) = False Then
Msg = "You must enter a number"
Title = "Non-numeric Value"
Response = MsgBox(Msg,16,Title)
End If
End Sub