SetFocus error 438




I have a form (based on only 1 table) that has 6 tab
controls on it and at the end of each page I want to
automatically set the focus at the first field of the
next page. I tried creating a command button to place at
the bottom of each page to click on in order to
accomplish this task, but I get the error '438', which
states that the object doesn't support this property or
method. Here is my code for the command button:

Private Sub Command199_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command199_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command199_Click

End Sub

I have been able to do this before and set it up exactly
the same way, but it is not working now. When it worked,
it was when I was using Access2000 and my operating
system was Windows 2000. Now I am using Access2002 and
Windows XP--would that cause this to occur? Any
suggestions? Thanks.


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